Russian Attitudes Towards the Russian Invasion of Ukraine
Russian Attitudes Towards the Russian Invasion of Ukraine
The Russian Population
According to a recent article by Kyiv Post, a survey conducted by the Levada Analytical Centre in October 2023 found that 70% of the Russian population would support Vladimir Putin if he decided to end the war in Ukraine now.
Yet, only 34% of the Russian population would endorse this action if bringing an end to the war entailed the return of all occupied Ukrainian territories.
According to the survey, in a hypothetical scenario of turning back time, just 41% of respondents would choose not to initiate the war in 2022.
Changing Understanding of Russia's Mission
Kyiv Post notes that, in February 2022, 30% of the Russian population believed that the reason Russia invaded Ukraine was to prevent an attack on Russia and to secure its borders, 27% thought that Russia was attempting to "protect" Russian speakers in the Donbas, and only 12% believed that the invasion's main goal was to "eradicate fascism" in Ukraine.
By October 2023, 25% of the Russian population thought the reason for the invasion was to "liberate" the Donbas and "protect" the Russian speakers, 14% believed the invasion's goal was to "eradicate fascism", and 13% of respondents said it was in response to "aggression" by Ukraine and Western countries.
Returning Ukrainian Land for Peace
The proportion of the Russian population who believe that negotiations should be started has increased from 51% in September to 55%, while the percentage of those endorsing the continuation of hostilities saw a slight decrease, dropping from 39% in September to 38%.
Kyiv Post points out that 67% of the Russian population believed that the return of Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions back to Ukraine would be an unacceptable condition for negotiations with 71% feeling the same about the return of occupied Luhansk and Donetsk.